How Big Is a 200-square-foot Shed?

Backyard car shed

Building a 200-sq.-ft. shed on your property is a worthy investment if you want extra storage space. There are many ways you can use this extra room, from a tiny garage to a tiny store. The only problems come when you can’t determine what to do with it. It can either be too big or too small for your belongings. So, how big is your 200-square-foot shed?

A 200-square-foot shed measures about 10 × 20 ft. It’s large enough to fit a single car and still get a small amount of wiggle room. It’s excellent if your property does not have enough space for a garage or if you don’t want to spend on a dedicated detached option.

Note that a 200-square-foot or 10-by-20-ft shed is the smallest room you can use as a garage. If you want more space, you can opt for a two-story, 200-square-foot shed. Anything below this will not accommodate a car and leave enough room for movement.

This article discusses all you need to know about getting a 200-sq.-ft. shed, including the costs involved and whether or not you should buy a fabricated one or build your own.


How Much Does a 200-Sq.-Ft. Shed Cost?

The cost of building a 200-sq.-ft. shed depends on several factors, as explained below. The most common price per square foot is around $50 if you are not planning to include any finishing. It may rise depending on what you want to add to it.


Intended Purpose

The most straightforward and affordable type of shed to construct is one that you want to use as a garage because you basically won’t need to include any extra addition or furnishing. However, if you intend to use your shed for any other purpose, you must factor in other expensive additional costs based on the purpose.

For example, sheds are becoming popular as alternative office spaces or small dwelling places (tiny houses). If you intend to use yours for this purpose, you will need to factor in additional expenses like insulation, electricity connections, and sewer hookups. You must also check with your local government on the primary requirements for a shed before setting up one.

You may also want to construct a garden shed, she shed, or horse run shed. All of these have unique requirements that will affect their construction costs. For example, a she shed will cost more as it will require some intricate features, like gabled roofing and large windows.


Statutory Regulations

The primary outlay for the project will be your 200-sq.-ft. shed cost, but keep other statutory expenses in mind. For example, you must factor in the cost of filing all the necessary permits to avoid brushing shoulders with your local government. Depending on your state, you may need to pay different amounts for this.


Foundation Costs

After that, you must consider where your shed will rest — concrete pad or gravel. Some people prefer putting their sheds on concrete blocks as it is a cheaper option. However, it is not a brilliant idea since blocks are not easy to level and could sink or break over time, and cause your windows and doors to blind.

For a typical 200-sq.-ft. shed, we recommend installing a simple gravel pad in a perimeter since you can do it yourself. A concrete pad is another brilliant option and a sturdier one, although it is more challenging to construct. You may also have to hire a professional for this, which will make the project costlier.


Structure Material

The material you choose for your structure will also affect how much you pay to build it. Vinyl sheds are the least expensive ones. They are resistant to rot and rust but are not as durable as metal or wood sheds.

Wood is one of the best materials as it allows you the freedom to customize your structure. With it, you can choose from a wide range of colors and exterior designs. However, despite its attractive style and versatility, wood requires regular maintenance and is prone to wear.

Meanwhile, metal sheds are resistant to rot and decay, are lightweight, but may be prone to rust, especially in humid conditions. Plus, you may also need to insulate the structure to accommodate the temperature fluctuations. Metal is a good conductor of heat and will get extremely cold in the winter and extremely hot in the summer.

Lastly, brick sheds tend to be expensive to construct as the materials are costly and take longer to install. Brick sheds are rather unpopular and may not be suitable for a DIY project. Therefore, if you pick this material, you may need to hire a qualified custom builder to erect your shed for you.


Roofing Material

Most homeowners like to roof their sheds with the same materials as their homes to provide some uniformity and give the property a more cohesive appearance. However, house roofing materials are quite expensive, so you may want to go for more affordable options.

The most common shed roofing materials are:

  • Tin
  • Spray foam
  • Bitumen
  • Asphalt shingle
  • Tile and metal

Out of all these, tin is the least expensive, followed by spray foam. Meanwhile, tiles and metal are the costliest roofing materials.


DIY Project vs. Hiring a Professional

Depending on your needs and the type of shed you want, you may opt for either option. A DIY project will cost less considering that you will not pay any labor charges unless you have a helper. The construction may cost around $25 per square foot after buying all the materials you need.

On the other hand, if you are hiring a professional, you will need to pay based on the prevailing construction charges.

Note that some projects are easy and can be set them up by yourself. However, some others, like brick structures, require specific skills. Therefore, unless you are a professional, I recommend you look for one to handle such projects.

The labor costs may vary depending on various factors. For example, it might differ depending on whether you are erecting your shed in a clear area or preparing the land before setting up the structure. Grading is the best form of land preparation for such kinds of projects. It costs between $4.37 and $5.41 per square foot, depending on your location.

The material and foundation of the structure may also determine your labor costs. Also, most sheds do not feature plumbing or electricity. If you are planning to add such features, you will have to add this expense to your budget.

Generally, constructing a shade may require at least one of the following professionals, that is, if you opt not to go for the DIY way:

  • Handyman
  • Carpenter
  • Shed building company
  • Electrician

Is It Cheaper to Buy a Shed or to Build One?

Whether you want to build your own shed from scratch or buy a prefabricated model, the decision lies on your budget and aesthetic needs. Both options have their pros and cons that you need to consider before making a decision.


Buying a Shed


When buying a prefabricated shed, you get to save a lot of time. All you need to do is lay down the foundation that your structure will sit on, set a delivery date, and have the fabricators set it up.

Besides, you do not need any skills nor to buy tools for the project. The delivery guys will make sure to set up everything and leave you with a fully functional shed, according to your agreement.

Finally, prefabricated sheds come with professional designs. You won’t need to worry about the dimensions, placing the windows, and other details. You also get a warranty, thanks to which the manufacturer will sort out any repair and replacement within the stipulated time frame.


On the flip side, prefabricated sheds tend to be a bit pricey. You will notably have to pay for the premium designs and delivery services.


Building Your Own Shed


One significant advantage of a DIY shed is that you have better control over its quality. You can personally select the material you want to use. Plus, you don’t have to compromise on the quality of artistry or any other detail.

Another major advantage is that you get to decide about the design you want for the structure, letting your imagination and skills run wild. This allows you to build exactly what you have in mind. You can also plan and customize the shed to match your aesthetic needs and available space.

Last but not least, building a shed allows you to work on a tight budget. When you buy a shed, you have to pay for the logistics and someone else’s labor, whereas when building yours, you can either decide on a DIY project or look for the cheapest labor options in your area.

You also have the freedom to decide how much you want to spend on materials. For example, you can use leftover roofing materials or bricks from previous projects to build your shed.


On the flip side, you have to bear all the liabilities that come with the structure. There are no warranties, so you will have to fix or replace the structure out of your pocket.

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