How to Make Your Lawn Thicker

How to Make Your Lawn Thicker

Thicker, velvety, healthier, and attractive. If those statements reflect your lawn ideals, you could be closer to achieving them than you realize. It’s not difficult to turn thin, unhealthy grass into a thicker, healthier lawn. How so, you may ask?

To achieve a thicker lawn, you have to water it regularly. Proper aeration, overseeding, mowing, keeping your lawn healthy, and nourishing it by providing the needed fertilizer are the keys to a thicker lawn. To keep your lawn thick, you must follow basic maintenance, such as controlling the weeds, insects, and practicing regular mowing.

In this article, we will tackle how to make your lawn thicker and improve its beauty. We will also be providing some tips for maintaining your lush and thicker lawn. With this guide, you will surely achieve your thick lawn goals and keep it looking healthy.


Ways to Make Your Lawn Thicker

Maybe you think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence or property line when you look over at your neighbor’s backyard. Well, you don’t have to be concerned anymore as we will give you lawn care techniques that may improve the health of your lawn and make the grass greener and thicker.

Here is how to do so.

1. Water your lawn regularly

Your grass, like other plants, needs the right amount of water at the right time. Excess humidity can be created by watering at night, which is a formula for grass disease growth. Whereas, when watering in the middle of the day, the water may evaporate too rapidly before reaching the roots.

As a result, the best time to water your lawn is early in the morning, right before or during dawn. This allows the grassroots to absorb the water. And as the sun rises, it will burn off any excess water remaining on the grass blades, preventing illness from developing overnight.

The idea is to water less often and for a longer period so that your lawn receives a good soak rather than repeated, shallow watering. It’s a good idea to water once or twice a week, especially if Mother Nature isn’t already supplying regular rains.

Forty-five to 60 minutes of watering is generally enough to give your lawn and a few inches of soil a nice soak. This, however, is subject to change. The soil will dry up faster if the weather is warmer and windier. The appropriate irrigation strategy may help your grass grow greener and thicker.

2. Adequately fertilize your lawn

You might believe that lawns come equipped with all of the nutrients they require to thrive. However, lawns leach nutrients over time, leaving them in poor health. A lawn needs the correct nourishment to grow bigger, greener grass.

With all of the options available and the confusing language, fertilization might feel intimidating. The three nutrients that lawns require are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are all present in the fertilizer. Some fertilizers are liquid or granular. Furthermore, creating thicker and greener grass necessitates careful scheduling and the application of the optimum nutrition combination.

3. Conduct a soil test on your lawn

How can you know what mix of nutrients to supply, in what form, and when to do so? This leads to the next way to make your lawn lush: conducting a soil test.

A soil test is essential to determine what nutrients your lawn is deficient in, as well as what fertilizer and other treatments may increase its density and color.

For example, if the pH of your soil is incorrect, the fertilizer you’re giving it could not be helping you achieve your goal of having greener grass at all. Nutrient intake may be limited by a low pH.

In some states, lawns tend to be acidic. Limestone treatments can assist to balance and adjust the pH of your soil. Moreover, only a few lawn care companies can offer free soil testing on their clients’ properties to verify that the tailored program they build for each lawn is effective.

4. Aerate and overseed your lawn

Water and nutrients must reach the roots of the grass for it to grow thicker and greener. Lawns can become compact over time as a result of foot traffic or harsh weather, reducing water and fertilizer supply.

Annual aeration is the solution. This method loosens the soil and allows the lawn to breathe. Additionally, the tiny holes created by aeration might give proper access for overseeding in thin, barren regions. Aeration and overseeding are important steps in the process of achieving greener, thicker grass.

Overseeding refers to the process of putting grass seed into existing grass to thicken thin lawns or prevent them from becoming thin. New grass fills in the gaps between the existing grass, giving it a thicker, lusher feel and appearance. Overseeding regularly is the key to a beautiful lawn. Cool-season northern lawns should be overseeded in the fall and spring, whereas thin warm-season southern lawns should be seeded in the late spring.

5. Take better care of your lawn’s dark spots

Occasionally, the conditions for lawn growth aren’t optimum. Perhaps the lawn grew up around small trees, but as those trees grew taller, they cast more shadow on the lawn, restricting sunlight availability. For thicker, greener grass, sunlight, water, and fertilizers are required. If you take one away, you won’t be able to complete your task.

Increase the amount of sunshine that reaches these lawn areas by raising or decreasing the tree canopy. However, decreasing the tree canopy might not be enough. You could have a spot where grass doesn’t grow nicely. A shade-loving groundcover, mulch, ornamental gravel, or hardscape area, for example, would be preferable options.


Having the perfect lush and green backyard is every suburban homeowner’s dream. Getting the grass to spread and grow evenly, however, is a nightmare. Want to know how to get grass to spread in your backyard? Read our article to know our tips and tricks for a greener and lusher lawn.


How Maintain Your Thick Lawn

Every homeowner desires a lush, full, weed-free lawn that is pleasant to walk on. Beautiful green grass enhances the appearance of your property. Besides, it’s nice to come into your driveway and see that neatly maintained and groomed green carpet waiting for you.

Follow these essential maintenance guides to keep your lawn thick and healthy.

1. Have an irrigation system

After new thicker grass has established its roots, maintain appropriate lawn watering methods to ensure that it receives enough water and remains thick and lush. Grass seedlings need continual moisture to germinate and fill in gaps between existing grass. Once established, lawns require around 1 inch of water weekly, whether provided by the rain or your irrigation system. Irrigation that is deep and thorough stimulates the deep root growth that bigger lawns need.

Heat, dryness, and other conditions, on the other hand, might cause conventional grasses to strain and grow thin, although your lawn can endure them.

Every year, grass seed requires up to 30% less water for the life of your lawn. These exceptional, drought-tolerant grasses will stay green for up to three weeks without water, requiring less care and maintaining the appearance of your lawn.

2. Mow your lawn properly

Mowing appears to be a straightforward activity that you can’t possibly go wrong with. However, your mowing practices might significantly influence the performance of your grass. Proper mowing might result in thicker grass and maintain its appearance.

One of the most common mistakes is cutting the lawn too short. Your grass might be overworked if you do so. This might result in an unfortunate dingy green or yellow tint. It can also make weeds more likely, giving you more hassles than you need.

Proper mowing techniques allow your grass to grow and remain thick. Rather than mowing according to your weekly schedule, mow based on the necessities of the grass. At any one moment, you should only trim one-third of your grass blades.

Mowing should be done once a week, and the height should be between 3.5 and 4 inches, depending on the type of lawn you have at home. Sharpening your mower blades before cutting the grass will provide a clean cut.

Ragged, ripped grass is more prone to major lawn diseases and insect pests, which prevent the lush, thick growth of your turf. Changing your mowing pattern regularly also aids in keeping the grass straight and thick.

3. Control weeds, insects, and diseases in your lawn

All of the aforementioned suggestions help with achieving the greatest lawn possible, resulting in thicker, greener grass. Weeds, insects, and illnesses are naturally reduced as a result of this. These troublesome lawn invaders, on the other hand, are always on the lookout for a chance to penetrate your lawn if it exhibits any symptoms of weakness.

Certain situations, like an overly wet season, might result in weed breakthroughs or turf disease. Thus, keeping an eye out for these issues and responding swiftly might help basic problems fade away rather than escalating into larger, less appealing outcomes.

Weeds contend for sunshine, water, and nutrients with grass. When you have a lot of weeds, your lawn gets less fertilizer and other nutrients. Weed control removes competition, allowing grass to remain thick and well-nourished. Killing common lawn weeds in the early fall is a great idea.

To keep all weeds at bay, a lawn care professional might recommend a mix of pre- and post-emergent weed management strategies. Weeds, insects, and illnesses wilt thick, green grass faster than anything else.

When overseeding your grass, never use pre-emergent weed killers. Pre-emergents prevent all seeds from germinating and emerging correctly, including grass.


Lawns require a lot of care and maintenance to maintain their lush and evergreen look. They are susceptible to damage too, especially if it’s raining cats and dogs. Read our article to learn how to protect your lawn from heavy rain to maintain its health and beautiful appearance. 



If you want to have a thick lawn, you’ll need healthy grass with plenty of water and nutrients, frequent mowing, aeration, and overseeding. Everything is within your grasp. You just need to establish a condition that your grass enjoys and flourishes in.

You can achieve and maintain a thick, lush lawn by incorporating these procedures and best practices into the weekly maintenance of your lawn or short weekend lawn revamps. These methods, when combined with other procedures like lawn aeration, patching, and restoration, set you on a thicker, healthier turf for years to come.

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